jueves, 8 de marzo de 2012


Population: Xalapa had in 2005 approximately 413.136 inhabitants.

The City of Xalapa is located in the foothills of Macuiltepetl and the eastern foothills of the Cofre de Perote, in the transition zone between the Sierra Madre Oriental and the coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico.
Is in an irregular region, making its narrow winding streets, looks especially beautiful with its outstanding variety of landscapes and scenery. 

Around three springs appointed: Xallapam, Xalliticat and Techacapan  a time preceding the Christian era, a group of families gathered Totonacas and resulted in Xalapa, in 1519, its inhabitants were in peace and gave lodging to Hernán Cortés and his conquering army.
After 1521, Xalapa was not assigned to any conquerorbut was reserved to pay tribute to the royal crown.
For three centuries, the development of Xalapa was characterized byperiods of slow growth in prosperity, lethargy and depression.However, with the establishment of trade fairs in 1720 until its liquidation with the freedom of trade, the town experienced a higherstage of urban growth and progress.
By 1791, the importance of Xalapa and population within the centralregion of Veracruz quartermaster was reflected in the acquisition of the title of Villa.

Places to visit


The first park to visit in xalapa also called the city of flowers is the park which is located in juatrez At the heart of the city, Enriquez Street, opposite the City Hall and next to the Government, is the Park Juarez.


Another well-known park and interesting to know is the park which is located watercress mint Very City Centre is the Park of the cress, one of the busiest on Sundays and public holidays by having a very special joy to where you want to really turn around the children playing, babies ponies to take a walk around the park, a beautiful and classic small train, in which people get to take a little walk.


Los Lagos its one of the most beautiful parks in our city is Xalapa, it is very easy to reach is located just a short walk from the university and the Paseo de Los Lagos. A quiet and friendly area with a beautiful view of the lake and gardens.

Tecajetes Park is a park the newly renovated park is very beautiful because it has too much nature and has always been the history Xalapa Park is located a few steps from the city center, on Avenue M. Avila Camacho, this is combierte one of the most popular for its lush vegetation and friendly atmosphere
The name was Tecajetes is due to a Nahuatl word meaning Cajete of Stone.

On the outskirts of the city of Xalapa find a wide variety of landscapes, trails and lifts are perfect for mountain biking

Located 39 km southeast of Xalapa. It is a placeendowed with natural attractions among which the mouth of the fish(or Old River). Here you will find trails with endless descents whereyou can go mountain biking, while enjoying its diverse ecosystems.

Located 50 km west of Xalapa bythe federal highway. 140. One of the most visited natural areas of the state of Veracruz has an area of 11,700 ha. of forestedmountains. In its surroundings you can go mountain biking andtouring towns such as rabbit or Tembladeras Aragon Valley Ecological Park, through various trails with different degrees of difficulty.

Going out

Coatepec is a beautiful city that is only 8 kilometers from the city of flowers and has an ideal climate for growing coffee. Coatepec is known for being one coffee producing village of Coatepec have interesting places such as Hidalgo Park which is located in the center of Coatepec around it houses the Church of St. Jerome and the town hall that this park will enjoy the traditional coffee shops and restaurants snow. 


Xico is a town that is located 19 km southeast of Xalapa and Coatepec, 11. In this village we can find historical monuments, museums, natural sites and so on.

The population of Jalcomulco is located in the margins of the river Antigua - Section Fish, 30 km from the city of Xalapa and Coatepec 22 km, due to Huatusco and Cordoba, the road ascends steeply from 300 to to 1500 m
Its varied topography has made ​​this place an ideal spot for climbing and "Rappel," since many interesting features such as canyons and hill Tuzamapan Chicabaxtla in Pizaltepec hill is the remains of an archaeological Cotlamani call. Along its entire length there are numerous different levels rapid to perform Rafting.